Kim Smith Lilac Culture

Dear Gardening Friends,

Baking temperatures and sweltering humidity have their appropriate months, but early June is too soon for the recent 95-plus degree days! I am grateful for this cooler weather—our newly planted vegetables and annuals will have an easier transition out of the melting temperatures of last week. On another note, our daughter Liv is preparing to attend NYU Steinhardt Masters of Music program this coming fall. To make this dream of hers come true she is working many long hours with a combination of three jobs. If anyone knows of an apartment to share or sublet please let us know. She is hoping to find something downtown, relatively close to NYU and/or public transit but will consider nearly any arrangement

This is the ideal time of year to prune your lilacs, immediately after flowering (attached article). See blog for photos of several native companion plants for lilacs. The photos from the lilac posts and the flower power post were shot with the new Fujifilm x100—a truly fantastic, albeit quirky, camera. I am so looking forward to spending fun times getting to know this camera and will once my design jobs settle into their seasonal rhythm.

Perhaps we will have another summer similar to last year’s, with days on end of warm temperatures and minimal rain, the ideal weather for butterflying (we can hope!). Last week’s warm temperatures brought a Monarch to Willowdale and our garden was rife with angelwings, azures, and swallowtails.

Happy Flag Day!

Warmest wishes, Kim

President Grevy

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