endangered and threatened species from mary barker- and a Poll

Hi Joey,

I had the unexpected pleasure of finding some Snowy Egrets, which are a threatened species, while I was killing some time in Ipswich last week.  One male was vying for the attention of 2 females.  He was putting on quite a show.  I also had the good fortune to encounter 8 Lady Slippers, an endangered species, while hiking in So. Hamilton.  I did not have my tripod with me to get super clean shots, but thought they were worth sharing.

Mary Barker

Editor’s Note from Joey-

When the person who named the Lady Slipper The Lady Slipper thought to themselves- “Hmmm what shall I call this magnificent flower?” and then came up with “Lady Slipper” I’m trying to figure out how they didn’t name it a Lady Vagina.

Lady Slipper…  Really?

When you look at it can you honestly tell me that looks more like a slipper than a a vajajay?

That thing’s got Lady Vagina written all over it.  Like you know how the term white rice perfectly describes white rice?  That’s the way I feel about the Lady Vagina. It’s misleading to name it a Lady Slipper- Borderline criminal actually.  False advertising 101.

In fact I think we ought to start a campaign to have the flower renamed so people don’t get confused.  It’s only right.

Lady Vagina FTW

Poll Time!

lady slipper 1lady slipper 2




lady slipper

snowy egret male in full display snowy egrets taking off snowy egret female