Gillian isn’t sick, she’s a dancer!

Joey’s choice to post Benjamin’s Carson brilliant speech (see this post) reminded me of how much I love a good speech.  It’s like a good song.  Here’s one of my favorites — an equally brilliant speech by Ken Robinson, who asks, at TED conference, “Do schools kill creativity?”  His answer is “We are educated out of creativity.”  This one will make you laugh & wonder just like Dr. Carson’s speech does.  So as we did yesterday, we urge you to watch it to the end — and we urge every parent, student, teacher and most especially the School Committee, Jason Grow & Peter Dolan to watch.  If you really think you don’t have 20 minutes, at least catch his story about world renowned coreographer Gillain Lynne (Cats, Phantom of the Opera, etc.).  It starts at 15:15

After you watch the video, take Sir Ken’s advice and let your kids enjoy some of Cape Ann’s most creative people tonight.  Lots of excellent choices with many of our favorites — all starting early enough to take the kids.  See the complete live music schedule here.