Week 4 of Katrina’s 1,000 dollar Singer Songwriter Challenge tonight! 7:30 pm 5.23.2017


$1,000 Singer- Songwriter Challenge
week # 3 winner!
Elisa Smith & Erin Bonnie Sue Koren

Sign up by emailing your name, phone number and whether you are a solo artist, duo, trio, etc. to clangathianos@me.com.

List of last weeks performers

Mike Foley
Joe Perry
Elisa Smith & Erin Bonnie (first place)
Tatiana Lynn
Tony Frontiero

Judges were, Lilith Fair performer and John Lennon Songwriting Contest winner, Amy Fairchild, 2017 New England Music Award winner, Annie Brobst, and local producer/music aficionado, Gary Gorczyca.


14 Rogers St
Gloucester, MA
Call (978) 515-7817


Week 2 of 8 Katrina’s $1,000 Singer Songwriter Challenge 7:30pm Tonight 5.9.2017

if you’re planning to catch this great lineup, call ahead and reserve a table: (978) 515-7817.

Photos and winners of last week’s challenge

The first week of Katrina’s $1000 Singer Song Writer Challenge 2017 was one of the best nights in live music entertainment I have attended. Quite a few players came from the Boston area. Some were nervous but that did not interfere at all with the awesomeness they put out.. At some points it felt like we were in the presence of the likes of Joan Baez and Judy Collins, combined with the Jakals duo. You have to believe that many in the audience found themselves in awe of what they witnessed last night. No wonder the word goosebumps was mentioned so many times.
Here is a list of the players and judges and winners.
Steve Caraway
Zion Rodman
Jakals (duo)
Greg Guba
The Only Humans (trio)
Prateek Poddar
Patrick Nelson
Phil Holub

Judges: Annie Brobst, Susan Coviello & Brian Alex (who also, happened to do a real fine job on sound)

3rd place Zion Rodman
2nd Place The Only Humans
1st place a tie Jakals & Prateek Poddar

Chris Langathianos did a real fine job hosting the event. Katrina’s had a great vibe all night long and the food and service was excellent,
Special thanks, to Steve Caraway for performing “Quanah Parker’s Band”