Has anyone here seen my old friend John?

Remembrance of our 35th President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. On November 22nd, 1963, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. This is the 50th anniversary of that event, a day which I'll never forget. I was sitting in my 7th grade classroom when the public address system announced that the President had been killed by an assassin. We were sent home in shock immediately. It was a sunny but chilly day as I walked home with a group of my classmates. As we walked along the chain link fence surrounding the school grounds, someone was weeping uncontrollably. It was Peggy Noonan. I didn't know what to do, but tried to console her. Years later I realized she was Catholic, and it affected her, as a 13 year old, on many levels. So we all went to our respective homes, and then the TVs took over. There were no ads for three days, and continuous live coverage, including Lee Harvey Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby amidst law enforcement. I saw that. TV, the media, and all of us will never be the same. If you have a story, share it here my friends. I took this photo  at the dedication of the Kennedy School of Government Park on Memorial Drive in Cambridge. L-R in foreground as well as I can tell: Governor Michael Dukakis (partially obscured), Jackie Kennedy, Kitty Dukakis with Ted Kennedy behind her, State Treasurer Martha Coakley (?), Caroline Kennedy, brother John Kennedy, Boston Mayor Kevin White (partially obscured), William Bolger, President of the Massachusetts Senate (partially obscured), and above him is Joe Kennedy.
Remembrance of our 35th President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. On November 22nd, 1963, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. This is the 50th anniversary of that event, a day which I’ll never forget. I was sitting in my 7th grade classroom when the public address system announced that the President had been killed by an assassin. We were sent home, in shock, immediately. It was a sunny but chilly day as I walked home with a group of my classmates. As we walked along the chain link fence surrounding the school grounds, someone was weeping uncontrollably. It was Peggy Noonan. I didn’t know what to do, but tried to console her. Years later I realized she was Catholic, and it affected her, as a 13 year old, on many levels. So we all went to our respective homes, and then the TVs took over. There were no ads for three days, and continuous live coverage, including Lee Harvey Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby amidst law enforcement. I saw that as it happened. TV, the media, and all of us will never be the same. If you have a story to tell, share it here my friends. I took this photo at the dedication of the Kennedy School of Government’s JFK Park on Memorial Drive in Cambridge. L-R in foreground as well as I can tell: Governor Michael Dukakis (partially obscured), Jackie Kennedy, Kitty Dukakis with Ted Kennedy behind her, State Treasurer Martha Coakley (?), Caroline Kennedy, her brother John, Boston Mayor Kevin White (partially obscured), William Bolger, President of the Massachusetts Senate (partially obscured), and above him is Joe Kennedy. Yes, the good, they die young. Abraham, Martin, John, and Bobby.

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and President Kennedy at the United Nations. She was the US Representative to the UN from 1946 - 1953.
Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and President Kennedy at the United Nations. She was the US Representative to the UN from 1946 – 1953. She passed away almost a year before JFK.