Jen Daniels Knows What’s Up! Hive Stickers At Cape Ann Farmer’s Market

Rob Hall, Beth Swan and The Little Guy Represent!
Rob Hall, Beth Swan and The Little Guy Represent!
Alpaca Farms Represents The Hive
Bittersweet Farm Represents The Hive
Stephanie At The Hive Table
Stephanie At The Hive Table
Random Broads Know Whats Up Too!
Random Broads Know What's Up Too!
Brooke Buys Some Art At The Hive Tent
Brooke Buys Some Art At The Hive Tent

Port O Pong

After Roller Derby Last Night it was off to catch up with the Mrs at the Sumner’s new digs.  Of course my wife’s friends being the raging alcoholics that they are needed to christen the Sumner’s house with a competitive beer pong tournament.

My beer pong partner Jen (I usually puke on the way home) Daniels was on fire but we couldn’t bring home a victory even after heading into overtime with momentum.

Port O Pong, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

A Very Skilled Beer Pong Playa!
My Partner Jen- A Very Skilled Beer Pong Playa!
Steroid Allegations Cloud The Outcome
Steroid Allegations Cloud The Outcome
Limited Beer Pong Skills
Limited Beer Pong Skills