Check out Jeff Zinn’s promo video for Flight of the Monarch, the current production at Gloucester Stage Company. Sunday’s talk back was a delight to attend. So many thanks to Jeff Zinn and Bob Walsh for the invitation. The playwright Jim Frangione has a deep love for Monarch butterflies and it was a joy to make his acquaintance!

For the video, Jeff borrowed footage from forthcoming documentary Beauty on the Wing: Life Story of the Monarch Butterfly. The scenes that he selected from the film were all shot right here in our own backyards, in Gloucester.

For tickets and more information visit the Gloucester Stage website here.

To read Tom Hauck’s review for Good Morning Gloucester, go here.


“Flight of the Monarch” Makes Triumphant World Premiere

By Tom Hauck

Even by the high standards of the Gloucester Stage Company, one of America’s most respected venues for new dramatic works, “Flight of the Monarch” has made an astonishing first impression. This new work, penned by Jim Frangione and directed by GSC Managing Director Jeff Zinn, and featuring just two actors, Nancy E. Carroll (Sheila) and J. Tucker Smith (Thomas), hits the stage as a fully formed and incisive examination of a question that every person asks themselves at some point in their lives: “What do I have to live for?”

The premise, like many great dramas, is simple: The lights come up on Sheila, a woman of advanced age, who is lying in a hospital bed. But she’s not passive; she’s on the phone, arguing with her sister. Defiant in her confinement, she just wants to get on with her life. Her younger brother Thomas, who has been dozing in a visitor’s chair, wakes up, and the siblings waste no time in exposing the family’s secrets. As the layers are ripped aside, we quickly learn that under Shiela’s fiesty exterior she’s losing faith in herself. She feels only the crushing weight of what she believes has been a lifetime marked by failure.

In crafting the peppery dialogue, playwright Jim Frangione, himself a working actor, thankfully avoids the temptation to be clever. Sheila and Thomas feel like people we know, and it’s easy to forget that we’re not hearing transcripts of actual conversations. Frangione’s ear for dialogue is spot-on and the plot elements are true to life. Yes, there are plenty of laughs in this drama, but none are forced, and they come from the heart, not from a playwright seeking to pander to his audience.

The direction by Jeff Zinn is what it should be: invisible to the audience. The play unfolds with such ease and naturalism that we forget we’re watching a consciously crafted presentation. As the actors verbally attack, retreat, and make peace – often with the span of a few seconds – we stay with them, never feeling as though we’re seeing anything other than real people with real problems.

Gloucester Stage Company veteran and Rockport resident Nancy E. Carroll and GSC newcomer J. Tucker Smith carry the production with nary a misstep. They deliver astonishing performances that resonate with real passion, dreams, and regrets. They never reach for cheap laughs, which goes a long way toward building and maintaining their credibility with the audience. When they express their deepest emotions, we believe them.

The set by Cristina Todesco supports the actors and the story. When the lights come up on the second act, which is set in Sheila’s living room, you’ll swear you’ve been there before – every casually placed tchotchke evokes the kind of run-down middle-class Cape that could use a really good cleaning. The lights, costume, and sound design all contribute to the authenticity of the setting.

“Flight of the Monarch” is a poignant and astonishing family drama that aims for the heart and doesn’t miss. Congratulations to the Gloucester Stage Company for presenting this newly created jewel. See it before it triumphs in New York! Onstage now through September 30. For tickets – while they last! – visit or call 978-281-4433.


GloucesterCast 241 With Nichole Schrafft, Kim Smith, Jeff Zinn, Heidi Dallin and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 9/10/17

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GloucesterCast 241 With Nichole Schrafft, Kim Smith, Jeff Zinn, Heidi Dallin and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 9/10/17


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GMG Podcast 241 w- Nichole, Joey, Heidi, Jeff Zinn copyright kim Smith.JPG

Topics Include:

Gloucester Gig Rowers

Flight Of The Monarch Now Playing At Gloucester Stage Co  Buy tickets here

Jeff Zinn does readings for audible books, check them out here

Kim Smith participating in Flight of The Monarch free talk-back September 17th after the matinee. (You don’t even have to go to the show to come participate in the talk-back) Here’s the link for more info

Hurricane Irma

What do you think the mentality of people that won’t leave when the Governor issues a mandatory evacuation order?

How do hurricanes affect migrating birds?

Sea Cadets program through the US Navy.  Here’s a link to the Gloucester Sea cadet division

Kate likes the reusable because you can put more in and carry less bags.  some people have suggested to make stores charge 25 cents for plastic bags.
Cardinal Talk

When you subscribe you need to verify your email address so they know we’re not sending you spam and that you want to receive the podcast.  So once you subscribe check your email for that verification.  If you don’t see it, check your spam folder in your email acct so you can verify that you’d like to get the GloucesterCast Podcast sent to you for listening at your convenience..



On Sunday, September 17th, I am excited to say I will be joining the stellar cast, director, and author of Gloucester Stage Company’s current show “Flight of the Monarch” for a Talk Back. The Talk Backs are super fun and interesting events held at least once during a show’s run where audiences are invited to ask questions of the players. In attendance will be Jeff Ziinn, the director; Jim Frangione, the play’s author; Nancy Carroll, the lead actress who plays Shelia Callaghan; and Tucker Smith, the lead actor who plays Thomas Callaghan. I have been asked to join to answer any questions folks may have about Monarch butterflies and this year’s migration. The Talk Back is at 4:00pm and held in the theatre. Anyone is welcome to come, whether or not you have seen the show, so please do come! 

Monarchs, honey bees, and many species of butterflies and bees love the nectar rich florets of Bull Thistle. Monarch coming in for a landing at Eastern Point, Gloucester. 


Lewis_Amanfa_Seated_DSC1103Lewis D. Wheeler and Amanda Collins

Gloucester Stage Company continues its 37th season of professional theater on Cape Ann with the New England premiere of Peter Sinn Nachtrieb’s The Totalitarians from September 1 through September 24 at 267 East Main Street, Gloucester, MA. Gloucester Stage Managing Director Jeff Zinn makes his Gloucester Stage directing debut with this off-the-wall-satire of the zany world of politics. Peter Sinn Nachtrieb has written a not-so-tall-tale of an oligarchic takeover led by a Palinesque Manchurian candidate, and possibly thwarted by a hapless one-man commando squad…in Nebraska? This raucous dark comedy about the state of modern political discourse, modern relationships, and how easy it is to believe truths without facts features a cast of GSC veterans Amanda Collins and Lewis D. Wheeler, and GSC newcomers Breean Julian and Alex Portenko. According to Director Zinn, “As we all watch, with our jaws dropped, the daily excesses of candidates and hear the commentators remark, ‘you can’t make this stuff up,’ I am incredibly grateful to Peter Nachtreib for ‘making stuff up’ that rises to the occasion. Some may find the humor in The Totalitarians outrageous, but in this political moment I believe outrage is exactly what we need.”

San Francisco-based playwright Peter Sinn Nachtrieb’s play, The Totalitarians was commissioned through the National New Play Network and New Dramatists Full Stage USA program and premiered in 2014 at Southern Rep, Woolly Mammoth and Z Space. The Totalitarians will soon be published by Dramatists Play Service. Mr. Sinn Nachtrieb’s other works include boom, TCG’s most produced play 2009-10; BOB, the winner of the Barrie and Bernice Stavis Award at the 2011 Humana Festival for New American Plays at Actor’s Theatre of Louisville; T.I.C. (Trenchcoat In Common), Hunter Gatherers, winner of the 2007 ATCA/Steinberg New Play Award and the 2007 Will Glickman Prize; Colorado; and Litter: The True Story of the Framingham Dodecutuplets. His work has been seen off-Broadway and across the country including at Ars Nova, SPF, Woolly Mammoth, Seattle Repertory, Actors Theatre of Louisville, San Diego Rep, and in the Bay Area at A.C.T., Encore Theatre, Killing My Lobster, Marin Theatre Company, Impact Theatre, and The Bay Area Playwrights Festival. Projects in process include an original musical called Fall Springs: A MusicalDisaster (with composer/lyricist Nikko Tsakalakos) and the Z Space commission, A House Tour of the Infamous Porter Family Mansion led by guide Weston Ludlow Londonderry. Mr. Sinn Nachtrieb holds a degree in Theater and Biology from Brown and an MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. He is a member of New Dramatists and is the Playwright in Residence at Z Space in San Francisco.


Gloucester Stage Appoints New Managing Director

logo_font-tests_3base-webJeff Zinn Moves North to Gloucester Stage

Gloucester Stage Board of Directors President Robert Boulrice is pleased to announce that Jeff Zinn has been named the new Managing Director of Gloucester Stage, effective immediately. Joining newly appointed Artistic Director Robert Walsh, Jeff Zinn, a longtime New England theatre professional, completes a new Gloucester Stage leadership team. According to Boulrice, “Gloucester Stage’s 2015 season has been a real thrill ride, filled with wonderful accomplishments. We’ve enjoyed critical acclaim and sell outs for Out of Sterno and Gloucester Blue,which is being extended through October 11! The great news of Robert Walsh’s appointment as Artistic Director coincided with the resignation of Jon Wojciechowski, Gloucester Stage’s Managing Director since October 2014, who has moved on to pursue other creative opportunities. Jon brought the Welcome Project and Never Dark programming to Gloucester Stage, along with The Collaborative, a very energizing Apprentice Program, which will endure for seasons to come.” Boulrice continues, “Next came some really excellent news with the appointment of Jeff Zinn as our next Managing Director. Jeff brings a sterling pedigree and an impressive tool set to Gloucester Stage. The thought of Jeff Zinn and Bob Walsh working together leaves me breathless. Ok, forgive the hyperbole, but this is theater after all and the Gloucester Stage board is very excited for the future, starting right now!”

Artistic Director Robert Walsh enthusiastically welcomes Zinn to Gloucester Stage, “Jeff is a wonderful director, producer, and collaborator and has an extraordinary track record for bringing connected, passionate work to the stage. He is a consummate theatre artist and manager and I couldn’t be more excited to partner with him to continue and grow the work at Gloucester Stage.”

Jeff_Zinn_2015 Continue reading “Gloucester Stage Appoints New Managing Director”