New Local Music Seen show premieres tonight

Local Music Seen with Allen Estes, kicks off a new fall season tonight featuring the man who taught Fly Amero to finger pick, Chick Marston, with his partner Ellen Ford. Chick & Ellen’s chemistry is infectious; their harmonies gorgeous. Songs transcend genre with powerful storytelling and melodies that stay in your head all day long. And if that’s not enough, they’re joined by Laurie & Jay Keefe. What a show!  Catch it on Cape Ann TV Cable Channel 12 tonight at  6:30pm, Friday at 1:30pm or Sunday at 6pm.

Speaking of Fly Amero, after you’ve seen Allen’s show tonight, get on down to the Rhumb Line at 8pm to see Fly with his special guest Elaine O’Rourke and see if she can get Fly into a yoga position like this one.

For a complete list of live music in Gloucester, click here.