Comet Panstarrs this month

This week and until the end of March if you get an unobstructed view of sunset you may be able to pick out Comet Panstarrs. panstarrsAs comets go this one is not going to blow your socks off but don’t you want to be able to say you saw Panstarrs? It will not be back for 100 million years so this may be your only chance.

Panstarrs is just a warmup for Comet ISON which should be brightening Cape Ann skies in late October. ISON is a “sun grazer” which will do a sharp button hook around the sun. If her water laden self boils furiously the resulting tail may outshine the moon.

So get some comet viewing practice this month and click the link for Lanes Cove web cam. If the sky is cloudless right before sunset get on down there next to the fish shack and bring your binocs.  Rubber Duck might be there.

Rubber Duck in Lanes Cove