John McElhenny From Matter Communications Alerts Us To Coastal Living Island Related Photo Request



We all know Cape Ann has some of the most beautiful scenery anywhere. The great images in GoodMorningGloucester everyday are proof!

National magazine Coastal Living is asking people to send in their best island-related photos for an upcoming issue about islands. Think Ten Pound Island. Salt Island. Thacher Island. Straitsmouth Island.

Photos should be sent as attachments to , with the name of the sender, phone number and description of the photo (including where and when it was taken) in the body of the email. The image should be in .tif or .eps format and at least 300 dpi. One photo entry per reader.

More than 625,000 people read Coastal Living every month, so we would be showcasing Cape Ann’s beauty to a large, national audience.


John McElhenny


matter COMMUNICATIONS for Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce
