Hoola Hoopla a Huge Success!

What fun last night! The Hoola Hoopla was a huge success! I never imagined that so many kids (and adults) would want to try their hand at hooping! We had tiny tots trying to spin their hoops, and of course the bigger kids who love to outdo their friends.

Jennifer Goulart Amero from Metamorphosis Fitness brought hoops from her studio on Main St. She hooped all night and taught the kids some tricks and moves.

A wonderful woman (I ‘ve forgotten her name) who teaches at Brookwood, brought handmade hoops to share.

It truly was a community effort. And again I’d like to thank the following people for their help and support:

Rich at Iron Rail Gymnastics Academy

Toni at Tara Montessori

Jen at Metamorphosis Fitness

Carmine at Friendly’s Restaurant

Jerry at West End Sweets

The Brookwood teacher

Kylie (my granddaughter)

Joey and the GMG Gang

and all the kids and adults who made last night so much fun!

Watch for photos from Jay Albert, the Gloucester Daily Times, David Cox, and if you have photos from last night’s Block Party, email them to me at sharon_lowe88@yahoo.com

Tonight’s Hoola Hoopla

hula hoop

Tonight’s the night for the Hoola Hoopla at the Block Party! The fun will start at 6 with the little kids and wind up at 8:30 when the adults finish! Bring your hoops and your hips and show Gloucester what you got!

A huge thank you goes out to Toni at Tara Montessori, Rich at Iron Rail Gymnastics, and Jen at Metamorphosis Fitness for lending us hoops. And to Carmine at Friendly’s for donating the prizes. Real community spirit!

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I will have the GLOSTA -phobic T-shirts with me for $15 each. Sizes L and XL.

Come join the fun at the corner of Main and Center St.!

A Big Thank You to Iron Rail Gymnastics Academy

Rich Healey, director of Iron Rail Gymnastics, is graciously lending us hula hoops for the Block Party Hoola Hoopla Saturday night. A huge thank you goes out to you, Rich!


There will be an Iron Rail performance at 6:00 near CVS on Main St. during the Block Party. Be sure to check it out!!