Waxing For Charity- (But Not The Nuts)

Getting Old Sucks.  There I said it.

Don’t give me the whole age is just a number routine because apparently the hair that grows on my back and out of places I never imagined hair would ever grow out of didn’t get the memo.  I mean how fucking rotten is it that you lose the hair on top of your head only to have it growing out of your ears, nose, back of your arms, small of your back and all these other places that hair simply shouldn’t grow?  I need goddamn hedge clippers to keep this unwanted hair in check.

I’m sick and tired of this whole hair situation and I plan on doing something about it.

Wait- I’ve got it!

“Waxing For Charity”  We could have a live taping for Good Morning Gloucester of me getting waxed and for each rrrrip we could announce someone’s donation to a charity!

I probably ought to do some research first to see how much pain is involved and if someone does all of this in one sitting or if they do it in stages.  Maybe we could do it after hours and have a party and people could witness the pain over a few cocktails.

Oh and the nuts are off limits!!!  No amount of money for any charity would convince me that hot wax poured on my nuts would be a good idea. I’m just saying….

Is this something that you guys think would be interesting for the blog?  I mean it seems like a win all the way around- A win for a charity, a win for the blog and a win for the lucky salon who gets the exposure.

A live broadcast would be hilarious

I guess a poll is in order-