Panetonne French Toast for a New Year’s Day Brunch Treat

Did you know that panettone makes wonderful French toast?

Panetonne French Toast -- ©Kim Smith 2013 copyWe make French toast with panetonne during the holidays and it is always a much appreciated hit. Give it a try—your family will love you for it!

4-5 eggs whisked

1 ½ Cups whole milk

2 tsp. vanilla

pinch of salt

6-8 slices of panettone, cut into slices roughly ½ inch thick, and arranged to fit your baking dish,

Optional: add grated orange zest and cinnamon to the batter

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Butter 9 x 12 inch baking dish. Dip panetonne in batter. Arrange slices in pan and pour any remaining batter over bread slices. Up to this point the French toast can be made ahead of time and set aside until ready to bake. Refrigerate if longer than half an hour. Bake 20-25 minutes until golden brown and puffy. Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar.

Panetonne French Toast ©Kim Smith 2013 copy