Hemoglobin Boarding Class At Art Haven

The class is limited to eight students so call today!  GMGers With the first crack at it!

From Joe Brancaleone at Hemoglobin Boarding Co-

Hows it going? I got some great projects going on! I will be teaching a workshop at the Art Haven in January 10th on how to paint a longboard! I have attached the flyer so you can check it out. Also I am now selling Roller Derby skates! I found a distributor that i can get all types of RollerSkate/Blade Parts. Really anything they need I can get in 3 days time! Hope all is well and let me know the next time your going to a derby I defiantly wanna go!

Take care,

Joe B

Joe Brancaleone- Hemoglobin Lighted Long Board

Here’s Joe Brancaleone with one of his latest long board creations.  This board has lights underneath the board which make it outlandishly cool.  If I were coordinated enough to get on a skateboard, I’d be all over it!

Check out the Hemoglobin Boarding Co Official Site here

You just gotta love all the young creative people in our community.  We are so incredibly blessed to have the creative scene that we do.  People like Emile, Mike and Tom making short films, the gang at The Hive, the artists recording music downstairs at CABI just to name a tiny few.  Then you have the photographers like Mark Teiwes and Ernie doing their edgy stuff.  We have Rob Newton who is fully committed to bring us great movies at Cape Ann Community Cinema, the list goes on and on and on….

Keep it fresh y’all                   and thank you.

Hemoglobin Boarding Co Part II

click to play
click to play

Joe  displayed his colorful and one of a kind boards at the Block Party.  Here at his shop at Cape Ann Business Incubator Joe gives as a demonstration.

Great to see young hip kids making a go of it in the business world.

Joe Brancaleone’s Hemoglobin Boarding Co

Here’s Joe Brancaleone at his headquarters inside Cape Ann Business Incubator.  Joe has started his own customized Long Board shop.  More of his cool designs and a two part video series coming later.