Lil’ Vampire Pacifier At Joke Shop USA Gloucester Halloween Headquarters

You have no idea the amount of off-the wall Halloween items they have in stock at Joke Shop USA next to The Lone Gull in Beautiful Downtown Gloucester.  Now what kind of sick and twisted individual buys this for their cute adorable baby?

Joke Shop USA Gloucester Halloween Headquarters

Just last week when hopping downtown to grab my coffee, Larry from Joke Shop USA told me I just had to check out the back room set-up.  I didn’t have time as I had to get back to the dock but promised to return asap to see what was up.

The place is jam packed with every single thing you might ever need for Halloween.  Every square inch is stuffed with Halloween inventory.  There is no need to head up the line to the mall, just go straight downtown and grab a costume, a custom mask, or some gag Halloween gifts for the host of the Halloween party you’ll no doubt attend.  This pic is just the back room where they have the “adult” stuff.  What “adult” stuff you ask?  Well you’ll just have to go down to check it out for yourself.