Grilling Chicken Wings On the Smokey Joe Weber Grill

Grilling Tools-

Weber Smokey Joe Grill –$29.99

Weber RapidFire Chimney Charcoal Starter $14.99

Cowboy Lump Charcoal Hometown Ace Hardware $15.99 20Lb bag

Other Joey C Recommended Grill Accessories Here



To prep for the grill: 

Fill 2/3 of your Weber Rapid Fire Chimney  with charcoal and put two sheets of newspaper crumpled up in the bottom of the chimney. Light the paper on fire and sit back for about 15 minutes to let the charcoal to get partly white.

Once your charcoal is ready dump the coals and arrange them on one half of the bottom of the grill to set up for indirect heat.


To prep the chicken wings:

Cut the little tiny wing tip of and then separate the drumette from the large part of the wing using either a large kitchen knife or a good set of kitchen shears.  Lightly coat with your favorite chicken rub.  I put my chicken parts into a tupperware like container, drizzled the rub over the chicken and gave it a light shake to coat them.

At this point they are ready for the grill.  Arrange the drummettes with the thickest part on the half of the grill without coals under them but closest to the half of the grill that has the hot coals so they will get the most heat.then continue to arrange the chicken with the thinnest pieces placed further away from the side of the grill with the hot coals.

Place the grill cover on and choke down the top vent so that it is a little less than half way open to be sure to cook the chicken at a slow pace.  After 20 minutes flip your chicken over, add a little seasoning if you’d like and cover it for another 20 minutes

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Place the grill cover on and choke down the top vent so that it is a little less than half way open to be sure to cook the chicken at a slow pace.  After 20 minutes flip your chicken over, add a little seasoning if you’d like and cover it for another 20 minutes.

This is after 20 minutes and just before the first flip-

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After the second flip take the cover off and cook the wings on direct heat over the coals watching for flare-ups and crisping up the outside.  This should be about 2 minutes on each side, directly over the coals.

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The wings with  nice little char marks and ready to come off the grill.

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Plated and ready to eat

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Check out my recommended grills and accessories here

Grilled Chicken with Bianco Barbecue Sauce




Grilled Chicken with Bianco Barbecue Sauce

My husband Barry’s sent me this text message while dining at a southern barbecue style restaurant during his recent fishing trip in Hatteras North Carolina, “ My Love, have you ever heard of White Barbecue Sauce?, we’re at a restaurant and it’s on the menu”…My reply, “No never heard of it, sounds interesting”

Barry’s text message sparked my interested enough to do a little research later that night.  I learned that “White Barbecue Sauce”, is a staple mayonnaise based sauce used for grilling pork and chicken in Northern Alabama.

Yesterday I decided to test a recipe I had found online while doing my research. I mixed up the ingredients, swiped my finger across the backside of the spoon for a quick taste, and  was completely disappointed in the flavor. I went straight to the pantry and refrigerator for ingredients to jazz up the flavor to my liking. Last night I stood in the rain with my fingers crossed as I grilled a batch of this “jazzed up” marinated Bianco Barbecue Sauce chicken for our family dinner.  The family unanimously voted the recipe as a keeper, and all requested that I write it down before I forget how to make it….This recipe is definitely a Mamma Mia Delicioso recipe for summertime Barbecues! Perfect for this upcoming holiday weekend!


Happy 4th Of July!

For Grilled Chicken with Bianco Barbecue Sauce recipe details & photos… Click Continue Continue reading “Grilled Chicken with Bianco Barbecue Sauce”