Cape Ann TV Lunch and Learn Series: “Green Screen 101”

Cape Ann TV’s Lunch & Learn Series continues on Tuesday March 21 at 7PM with “Green Screen 101”. Presentation and demonstration by Ted Reed, professional video producer.

Think of all the times you’ve wanted to battle with Vikings, dive deep beneath the ocean waves and fly to the moon and beyond. Well, now you can!

Join us for our first Lunch and Learn After-Hours, starting at 7pm on Tuesday March 21st when we explore the basics of shooting on green screen. We’ll cover the basics of what you need for cameras, lighting, and software right here at Cape Ann TV’s studios. Find out how to make your own special effects—special!


Chroma Key or Green Screen is a fantastic tool for filmmaking that opens up so many storytelling opportunities. It isn’t too difficult provided you know the basics and is easy to use for your films whether you are making an independent low budget film or Hollywood Blockbuster.

Green screens are a key tool in a technique called chroma keying. In a basic scenario this may involve a person/subject being filmed standing in front of a green (or blue) screen. Then using an editing program the green color is digitally removed from the video file leaving the person/subject. A new image/video is then layered behind them. If done well it should look as though the person is actually standing in the scenario that is happening in the background.

The ability to chroma key opens up an array of options for filmmakers. For example if you are filming a news story and you need your presenter to look as though they are standing out the front of the Taj Mahal, then you could use this technique instead of ACTUALLY taking a news reporter to the Taj Mahal. It saves a lot of time and money.

Join award-winning local video producer Ted Reed on Tuesday March 21st at 7PM at Cape Ann TV for Lunch & Learn After Hours “Green Screen 101”.

Space is limited for this event; please RSVP to to reserve your spot.