A weekend with our grandchildren, such a blessing

Maddie, Owen, Cole, Avery came to visit last weekend.  What fun we had, we had a Plan of Action and did everything.  From visiting the animals a Marshalls Farm Stand, to having treats at Orange Leaf.  We started on Saturday with a great big breakfast and off to Marshalls, Mile Marker’s Pool, by the way is fabulous, to Stage Fort Park, hiking Tablet Rock, swimming at Half Moon Beach, back to Papa and Nonnie’s house for a big cookout and then a movie, The Jungle Book.  The love of grandchildren is something you cannot put into words.  Here a couple of photos.

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Hanna and Riley on a visit to Nonnie and Papa

Hanna 2 years old and Riley 4 came for an overnight visit to Papa and Nonnie.  Even in the winter time there is so much fun we can have in Gloucester.  We went to see my favorite horses and of course visited Marshall Farm to see the Alpacas.

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