Anyone bring some bug spray?

So this morning I saw there was going to be another beautiful sunrise at Good Harbor so I shot right over before work for my “Gloucester at Dawn” picture of the day. Lo and behold the boardwalk (the same boardwalk that I came face to face with the coyote earlier this week) was set up for a Sunrise wedding.

Sounds like a fantastic idea right?

You couldn’t have got a more beautiful setting, but what no one could control was the incredible amount of bugs eating everyone up alive. I’m still scratching from the amount of bug bites I got capturing this setting for the blog. I’m sure folks will tell them the bugs weren’t that bad, but believe me they were vicious.

So anyone that sees these pics and gets the idea to recreate it for themselves or a loved one’s wedding, just be aware that the bugs are BRUTAL.

Anyone got some bug spray?, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

I can only imagine what the relatives that aren’t really all that friendly but had to go to the wedding “because they are family” were saying about getting up at 4:00AM on a Saturday for the wedding and then getting absolutely dissected by these unavoidable bug bites.