Live Blogging the Gloucester Fishermen’s Triathlon

We will have folks at the finish line at tomorrows Gloucester Tri sending us smartphone updates and we can post them.  The email address is If anyone wants to send in pics from the Race course tomorrow from their iPhone or other smartphone cam of a loved one I’ll keep a running post and add those pics to it as they come in.  Be sure to include your friend or loved one’s name and we will post it.

Trust me no one will be covering the Tri like Good Morning Gloucester.  Bookmark us and come back throughout the day for updates.

Live Blogging The Gloucester Fisherman’s Tri Starts Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight NOW!

4:35AM Staging area.

I got up extra early to get some coverage of the set up at the staging area in Saint Peter’s Square (video uploading now)

The race workers are professionals at this all having worked for the company for a while and all knowing their role.  With an hour til competitors will be showing up they were cool, calm and collected, even making jokes knowing that by 5AM the whole place will be bustling with activity.  If I were a triathlete I’d get down there early to sign in if you hadn’t already done so yesterday because the lines will probably get big in a hurry.-

Posted 5:15AM







Posted 8:05AM: From Pavillion Beach Neice Amanda Cheers On Her Tennis Coach Celeste-

Slide Show The Morning Pics From Thom Falzarano Click Picture Below For Slide Show

Posted 8:30AM

Click Here For The Thom Falzarano Gloucester Fishermen's Tri Pre Race Slide Show

Your Mens Winner Ethan Brown- Two Time Winner-

Ethan Brown Mens Winner Overall Winner Pic From Sister Felicia

Karyn Smyres Women’s Winner Posted at 9:15AM Picture From Sister Felicia

Celeste Frey Team aace relay 4th place
Team Rocky Neck- Tucker Destino and Kenny Tashy
Franklin Foster Did It! Pic From Wife Amy
73 Year Old Triathlete John Noble Pic From Thom Falzorano
73 Year Old Triathlete John Noble Pic From Thom Falzorano
2010 Gloucester Tri 2nd Place Mens Chris Bagg