Raising Money for Rob McNutt, the Minglewood Employee who was Shot Friday Night

3449026_1424710714.4727_rIf you don’t know the story, from Rob’s Go Fund Me page: As Rob was leaving at the end of the night and getting into his car to go home, he noticed that a man he had to escort out of the establishment earlier in the evening acting strangely in the nearby parking lot. Rob being the guy that he is turned around because he had realized that some of his fellow co-workers were still inside closing up and he did not want to leave them unattended or in harm’s way. Rob payed the ultimate price and ended up getting shot in his leg at point blank range. Shattering his femur and just missing his main artery, changing his life forever in more ways than one. Read more here: ROB MCNUTT 


Read Chief Campanello’s report here:

Gloucester Police Arrest Man in Connection with Early Morning Shooting