Get Fit Gloucester! to Hold Harbor Walk and Fitness Fair on Saturday, May 1

Gloucester, Mass. – Get Fit Gloucester! will host a Harbor Walk and Fitness Fair on Saturday, May 1 to highlight the options for physical activity and healthy eating available to Gloucester residents. All residents are invited to this free event, which starts at City Hall at 9 a.m.

“Gloucester residents have lived and worked hand-in-hand with Nature for over 400 years so physical activity is part of our heritage,” said Mayor Carolyn Kirk. “Get Fit Gloucester’s goal is a ‘Fit-Friendly Gloucester’ in which healthy eating and exercise are a natural and accessible part of our daily life.”

In response to rising obesity rates in Gloucester and throughout the U.S., Get Fit Gloucester! seeks to highlight ways to a healthier, more active lifestyle that are already available to Gloucester residents. For example, the May 1 Harbor Walk will follow a scenic route from City Hall along Middle Street to St. Peter’s Park, then along the waterfront and Rogers Street to Solomon Jacobs Park at Harbor Loop.

The schedule for Get Fit Gloucester’s Harbor Walk and Fitness Fair on May 1 is:

9 a.m. Mayor Carolyn Kirk kicks off “Get Fit Gloucester!” Month at City Hall and announces the Mayor’s Walking Challenge. Guest Speaker: Lea Ojamaa, Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

9:20 a.m. How can we make Gloucester a more walkable community? By Stephen Winslow, Gloucester Community Development Department.

9:30 a.m. Guided walk along Gloucester Harbor. Participants receive free pedometers.

10:30 – Noon Fitness Fair at City Hall featuring Zumba lessons, blood pressure and body mass index screenings, “A Tale of Two Tomatoes” by the Cape Ann Farmers Market, lung capacity tests, blindfolded “Guess the Mystery Fruit or Vegetable” games, music, refreshments and fun!

The event will be held rain or shine.

About Get Fit Gloucester!

The City of Gloucester started Get Fit Gloucester! to make physical activity and healthy eating a more natural and accessible part of daily life for local residents and workers. The purpose of Get Fit Gloucester is to identify and implement actions the community can take to combat rising obesity rates. Get Fit Gloucester! is paid for by a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health through the Mass in Motion program. For more information, contact Project Manager Stephen Winslow at (978) 281-9781  x. 2269 or

Chickity Check It!- New Blog- Get Fit Gloucester

From Cathy-

I am a 57 year old woman who has never felt more healthy and fit in my entire life. Five years ago, at 52, I weighed about 80 lbs. more than I do now. I felt much older, with stiff joints and back aches and no energy. And don’t even ask about clothes!

I did not “go on a diet,” I did not count calories or carbs. I made lifestyle changes, a little at a time. I tried to eat healthier and move more. You can do this, too. You can make changes to look, and more importantly, feel healthier and fit. You don’t have to be overweight to be unfit. You will feel a difference in strength, energy, stamina and flexibility. I’m talking to you, men, too!

I can tell you how I did it. Not everything I do will be right for you. Through posts about my progress; tips and ideas about nutrition and exercise; links to sites I like and find helpful, I hope to inspire others to get fit and healthy and encourage a community of support and an exchange of ideas. And have a little fun on the way! Much of our information will be about local Cape Ann sites – walking and bike routes, gyms, types of exercise, yoga studios, good buys on healthy food – but Guests and commenters from anywhere are welcome as well.

Okay, I know you all want to know. Right now I’m wearing a pair of Levis – size 8. A comfortable size 8!

Twenty year old daughter: “Mom, why are you wearing my clothes?”
Mom: “Because I can!”

Click this text and subscribe to Cathy’s fantastic new blog