Gautama Buddha Quote of the Week from Greg Bover

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

Gautama Buddha (circa 563-483 BCE)


Although the exact historicity of his life is lost in time it is generally accepted that Siddhartha Gautama, born a prince in what is now Nepal, was a member of the warrior/ruler class who, as a mature and married man, renounced his noble life and began many years of wandering and study, ultimately rejecting the extremes of asceticism and hedonism to establish a middle way to spiritual awakening. He spent the rest of his life teaching the Dharma, or the nature of things, and expounding the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths, the acceptance of which is said to be the route to Nirvana, the perfect peace of a mind free from ignorance, greed and hatred. He is also reputed to have said “The trouble is, you think you have time.”

Greg Bover

Gautama Buddha Quote of the Week from Greg Bover

August 1, 2014

“The trouble is, you think you have time.”

Gautama Buddha (circa 563-483 BCE)


Although the exact historicity of his life is lost in time it is generally accepted that Siddhartha Gautama, born a prince in what is now Nepal, was a member of the warrior/ruler class who, as a mature and married man, renounced his noble life and began many years of wandering and study, ultimately rejecting the extremes of asceticism and hedonism to establish a middle way to spiritual awakening. He spent the rest of his life teaching the Dharma, or the nature of things, and expounding the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths, the acceptance of which is said to be the route to Nirvana, the perfect peace of a mind free from ignorance, greed and hatred. He is also reputed to have said  ”No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

Greg Bover

With thanks to Shelley Vincent