Tina Greel Fish Rubbing- Gyotaku

This from Tina-

Gyotaku, (gee-oh-tah-koo) or “fish rubbing,” originated in the 17th century and was used to record the size and species of fish caught. Today it has evolved into an art form. The artist inks the freshly caught fish with a nontoxic, water-soluble ink, then rice paper is placed on the fish and is hand-rubbed. After removal of the rice paper, the eye is hand-painted, and enhancement color is added resulting in a scale-by-scale likeness of the fish. The artist’s “chop” and signature are added to complete the artwork. Each print is a one-of-a-kind-original. Thanks again.. I got a few e-mails from my friends. With links to good morning glosta.

Tina Greel Fish Prints, originally uploaded by captjoe06.