Who Says You Can’t Buy A Dress Shirt In Gloucester

The word around town since the old Empire closed down was that you couldn’t buy a men’s dress shirt. That Main Street simply didn’t offer this type of staple for men or women and if you wanted to purchase something like this, you would have to “head up the line”.

Well all that has changed with the opening of First Impressions Fashion House in the West End of Main Street.

With Mothers Day looming the pressure has been building about what to get the Mrs from our two little ones. While driving through town I spotted the display in the windows of what was obviously some timeless threads which prompted me to step inside for a look see.

The clothing ranges from contemporary casual to timeless, but what struck me most was the prices. I expected the prices to be a whole lot higher for designer labels but prices are either in line or well below what you would pay at the malls and well below what you would pay on Newbury Street.

It reminds me of when Au Beaujolais opened on Union Hill and to me touched off the local culinary boom which we have witnessed over the past 13 years or so. It’s like Gloucester is finding it’s way culturally.

Hopefully First Impressions gets discovered and makes a go of it, inviting more shops where locals could get designer clothing without having to leave the island.

First Impressions on Main Streets West End

First Impressions Mens and Women apparel in the West End of Main Street, Gloucester.

Looking and acting like a high end boutique on Newbury Street without Newbury Street prices.

This is the perfect spot to shop for a Mothers Day gift or for yourself for a special night out.

Mima D’Onofrio moved here from Montreal 5 years ago and opened First Impressions about 5 months ago.

Many gifts from jewelry to handbags well under $100. I guarantee you can find the perfect Mothers Day gift for the right price here.