The Red Shed Film Fest in Rockport!

Coming up on Monday, the 16th! Local filmmakers will showcase their work in a micro-film fest, the Red Shed Film Fest (in honor of the Motif in honor of Motif No.1 Day in honor of the arts…).

Starting at 7pm , short films will screen in Rockport Music’s beautiful Shalin Liu Performance Center. A party on the 3rd floor will follow the screening, with a cash bar and light food from the legendary Willow Rest. By “party” I mean: party, Rockport-style, where we stay up past 8pm, so bear this in mind in terms of your expectations. This doesn’t mean it won’t be fun, maybe even raucous! By Rockport standards! Which is still great!

The Red Shed Film Fest is a small but mighty showcase for our burgeoning local film scene. If you like short films and can tolerate other people and want to support art, this event is for YOU!

Come out to the Red Shed Film Fest on May 16th. The RSFF kicks off the week leading up to Motif No.1 Day on Saturday, and is a great way to begin the week. Admission is suggested donation. Your donations support the free programming of the Motif No.1 Day festival, celebrating Rockport across the arts, featuring film, dance, music and poetry. For more info on the fest go to


Submit Your Short Film or Poem for Rockport’s Upcoming Festival!


The Red Shed Film FestSUBMIT YOUR FILM FOR THE RED SHED FILM FEST ON ROCKPORT’S MOTIF No.1 DAY Are you a filmmaker? Apply to screen your film at the Red Shed Film Festival on Motif No.1 Day in Rockport! The Red Shed is a micro film festival featuring selected shorts produced on Cape Ann or with Cape Ann as the subject. The history, geography, art, people, city and towns of Cape Ann are all suitable for treatment — anything that conveys the region’s sense of place. The Red Shed Film Festival takes place on Saturday, May 17, 2014 as part of Rockport’s annual Motif No.1 Day festival of the arts. The Guidelines for Entries: Films must come in under 15 minutes and should be produced on, or be about, Cape Ann. Film structure and genre can be fiction or non-fiction, abstract or literal, linear or non-linear – play with your aesthetic tastes.Application does not guarantee screening. As such, a winner in this festival is anyone whose film is chosen to be screened. If your piece is chosen to be screened, you will be contacted based on the information you provide in the application (email or phone probably). Please submit your film at: For more information please contact 978.290.9200 or go to

SUBMIT YOUR WORK FOR THE “WORDS BEFORE DINNER LITERARY EVENT” ON ROCKPORT’S MOTIF No.1 DAY! Have you written a poem or essay with Cape Ann as its theme? If so, we’d love to have your submission for the annual Words Before Dinner Literary event, taking place at 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 17th in downtown Rockport as part of the town’s Motif No. 1 Day festival. Readers will share selections of their own work from poems to brief essays (under 750 words) featuring the beauty, history, industry art and landscape of Cape Ann as inspiration. Please submit your work for consideration to and plan to join other members of Cape Ann’s literary community for a few Words Before Dinner on May 17th. For more information go to or call 978-546-2861