You Asked We Delivered (Well Beth Swan Delivered)-GMG Facebook Fan Page

Continuing my Facebook Hold-Out people had been asking us to put our updates in a GMG Facebook Fan Page so that they could get their GMG updates through FB.  There was no way for me to start a GMG Facebook Fan page without signing up for a Facebook account so new contributor (more about this soon) Beth Swan put one up for us.  I guess you need to have 25 or more people who “like” you before they will give you the shortened URL without a whole slew of numbers and letters after it.  Within a day the page had the required number for us to have the URL.  So if you are a Facebooker, you can go to the URL and do whatever it is you do to get the updates to show up on your wall.

I think that’s what it’s called-a wall.  I’m pretty much clueless as to the ins and outs of FB.  But if it were Twitter it would be your timeline. Sample below-


Good Morning Gloucester Facebook Fan Page

In addition to Beth Swan I should also thank Jill and Kristen from North Shore Dish for the inspiration and how-to.