Thursday at the Essex Shipbuilding with O’Maley’s 8th graders

Being over there for the second day, I am learning as well about how to build a boat.  These kids really pay attention and enjoy seeing what is built with their own hands.  The rope Grommet was interesting to watch being made, the kids under the boats drilling and the sanding of the oars was educational as well as fun.  The Essex Shipbuilding Museum staff, the O’Maley teachers and the kids made for a wonderful couple of days.  Thank you for the invite.

Essex Shipbuilding Museum Event

This should be a sell-out event so sign on-board early for a fun night. It is a benefit for the Essex Shipbuilding Museum. FOR TICKETS: Visit the Museum’s secure website:
or call: (978) 768-7541 or email:
Tickets are $50.

Photography class at Essex Shipbuilding Museum

This class is always fun.  Have taken this class about 5 times and always enjoy it.  Thank you Dave, Len, Barry and Tony for all your help.  For more information on the Essex Shipbuilding Museum please follow the link below:

Essex Shipbuilding Museum Event

Nancy Dudley would like to invite you for a lecture at the Essex Shipbuilding Museum on April 14, 2015. The photograph on the poster is by our own Dave Delorey. It was taken immediately following Hurricane Sandy. Please feel free to forward this information or print and post the poster
D'Entremont Poster copy

The Schooner Ernestina From Len Burgess

One of the 6 remaining old schooners built in Essex, MA is now 118 years old.


Len Burgess writes-

On February 1, 1894 118 years ago the Effie M. Morrissey, the ship that became Ernestina, slid down the ways at the James and Tarr Yard in Essex, Massachusetts.

The Ernestina has been designated by the Department of the Interior as a National Historic Landmark. She has sailed on through the century to become one of six remaining Essex-built schooners and is now in New Bedford, MA.

She reached within 600 miles of the North Pole and is the last ship to bring immigrants to this country under sail from the Cape Verde Islands. Ernestina was given to the people of the United States by the people of the Cape Verde Islands in 1982. Her history is a remarkable legacy that spans continents, races and generations.

A very large scale model of the “Morrissey” is in the Waterline Center at the Essex Shipbuilding Museum.

Here are some videos and photos I took of her back in May of 2009-

Click to play video

Click to play video

Evelina M Goulart Restoration Project 6/9/08

Here is the first installment of the restoration project updates for the Lazy Daizy Evelina M Goulart. I’ll be doing regular updates to document the progress on this worthy project at the Essex Shipbuilding Museum.

Evelina M Goulart, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Evelina M Goulart Model at The Essex Shipbuilding Museum

The model shown here is in much better shape than the actual boat that is up in drydock at The Essex Shipbuilding Museum.