Letters To Annabelle Shot In Gloucester Episodes 1-5

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4&5


INFO: LTA is a no-budget/non profit web series brought to you by Independent filmmakers from the New England area. The entire series was shot primarily in Gloucester, MA over the course of 5 days. It was shot on the Canon 5D Mark II and 60D.

Special thanx to: Ryan and Wood Inc., Distilleries(ryanandwood.com/), Rich Hersey, Ms Yami Cartagena, Paul Lucci and Anthony “Bonez” Colarusso for helping out.

EXTRA SPECIAL THANX to the town of Gloucester, MA for allowing us to shoot there.

LIKE the fan page for all the updates: facebook.com/LettersToAnnabelleSeries

Hope everyone enjoyed this lil’ series.