GloucesterCast 328 Adventureman Call-In With Pat and Jimmy Dalpiaz Nichole Schrafft and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/20/19


GloucesterCast 328 Adventureman Call-In With Pat and Jimmy Dalpiaz Nichole Schrafft and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/20/19


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Topics Include:

Adventureman Interview!

Do you want us to call you Jamie or Adventureman?

The runs and updates are exciting and inspirational but it’s really about raising money for sick kids.

You were a sick kid.

We have some surprises for you!

Use this link to learn more about  Harborlight’s Experience Weeks

And this link to purchase tickets to Friday or Saturday’s performances of Golden Goose Awards at Gloucester Stage.

Purging clothes


Ebay for clothes


Link To Purchase Adventureman Book-

Adventureman: Anyone Can Be a Superhero

Adventureman part starts at 5 minutes into the video below