Kipling in Gloucester – talk by Author David McAveeney

Kipling in Gloucester & Captains Courageous
 A talk by author David McAveeney at The Bookstore of Gloucester 

Two days before the launch of the Captains Courageous Festival David McAveeney, Gloucester resident and author of Kipling in Gloucester: The Writing of Captains Courageous, will present a talk, followed by Q & A, about Rudyard Kipling, his time in Gloucester and the writing of Captains Courageous.      

Kipling in Gloucester explores how Kipling came to America and to Gloucester and how this foreign writer with little American experience and no fishing experience developed what has become the defining story of the Gloucester fisherman.”  David McAveeney, Kipling in Gloucester

Origin of the title Captains Courageous