Never Has a Cooler Buoy Been Painted By a Cooler Chick Than Lily Linquata

Here’s Lily making the delivery of my very own custom painted GMG lobster buoy.

2012-08-08 12.29.27

Does your business or organization have one of Lily’s killer buoy’s?  Did you want a decorative buoy for your home or office?  Check out Lily’s and order up one or a dozen for yourself and your friends, they make killer gifts.

Don’t go showing up at that wedding shower with yet another butter dish.  I’m telling you, you don’t wanna be that person that shows up with the 17th butter dish and then have to watch the bride-to-be feign her excitement over said 17th gifted butter dish.  Show up with a killer Lily Linqs custom buoy with the bride and groom’s names on it with a anchor in the middle or a lobster or some shit like that.  They’ll love it trust me. 

They’ll love it way more than that 17th gifted buttah dish I’ll tell you that and then you know what happens?  Everyone at that bridal shower talks about how thoughtful you were for getting such a unique and treasured gift.  See, that’s how it works at bridal showers. 

You’re either the person bringing the kick-ass lily Linq’s Custom Buoy or you’re the stiff bringing the 17th buttah dish. 

Don’t be the bearer of the 17th buttah dish.