Joey’s Calling You Out to Take the Plunge

rocky neck plunge call

Always a great time, whether you plunge or just come to cheer on the plungers!  The Rocky Neck Plunge will take place on New Year’s Day at 2:00PM at Oaks Cove Beach on Stevens Lane with a body and innards warming after party immediately following at the Cultural Center at Rocky Neck, 6 Wonson Street with chowda and hot chocolate.  A perfect way to start the new year – having fun and being part of this unique community.  Who says nothing happens on Rocky Neck in the winter?!

There will be a van at the corner of Wonson Street and Stevens Lane to collect non-perishable food donations for The Open Door Food Panty so bring along some goods to help fill it up (checks are also welcome).

E.J. Lefavour