GloucesterCast With Guests Kim Smith, Toby Pett and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 09/14/14

GloucesterCastSquareGloucesterCast With Guests Kim Smith, Toby Pett and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 09/14/14


Topics Include: Kim Smith, Toby Pett, Kim’s Eyewear,Studio Monday Night Football Promo, We Review The Gloucester Trip Advisor Top Ten Restaurants, Little Known Tip About Duckworth’s, Passports, Virgilio’s, George’s Coffee Shop, The Causeway, The Azorean, Café Bishco, Brighams, Beef and Bun, Sugar Mag’s, Topside Grille and Pub, Lobsta Land, Write In A Nice Review For Your Favorite Local Restaurants That You Feel deserve A Good Trip Advisor Rating, Willow Rest BLT, The Bottle Bill Discussion, Toby Really Wants Everyone To Know That He Recycles, Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, Rape Culture, Cold Brewed Coffee, Bonavita Porcelain Pour Over Coffee Filter, New Method For Handling Press Releases, Christopher Anderson, Hye Tyde, John Hintlian, Saying Goodbye To Summer, Heated Mattress Pad May Be The Greatest Invention Ever.

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Joey and Toby


New Discovery- Cold Brewed Coffee

If you’ve been a GMG fan for any amount of time you know about my coffee obsession love.  I usually have a cup of coffee when things start to slow down in the morning around 8:30AM and then maybe another one in the afternoon so I can try to stay awake when I get home and spend some quality time with the family.  To say that I enjoy my coffee is an understatement.

With the soaring temps and humidity of last week coupled with being extraordinarily busy sometimes I can’t get to one of our local coffee shops and make coffee down here at the dock.  I’ve been using a french press since last spring and the results have been fantastic.  You can see the demonstration video I made when I first got the French press by clicking the video below-

A while back I saw an article on Lifehacker about making cold brewed coffee (as an aside if you haven’t bookmarked or put Lifehacker into your Google Reader you ought to, it rocks)

Anyway I tried making cold brewed coffee last night.   You need a little time  but it is ridiculously simple and the results are outstanding.

I took my travel press and loaded it up with three heaping teaspoons of ground coffee and filled it up with room temperature spring water, screwed the lid on and placed it in the fridge just before leaving work last night.  This morning I pushed the plunger down, poured the refrigerated coffee into my cup and fixed it just as I would a hot cup of coffee.

Fantastic!  They say more bitterness is extracted from the coffee beans with increased temperature so by using the cold brewing method you still retain that oily creamy texture of a good cup of french press coffee but without the bitterness.  Not having to use a paper filter also doesn’t sap the mixture of those coffee bean oils which get taken away with a paper filter.  You also don’t need to ice it which would dilute your coffee because it has been in the fridge all night.

I highly suggest this method if you are a coffee freak lover like me.