USCG Lighthouses to be auctioned and donated include Massachusetts beacons

A record number of lighthouses are being offered to the public during 2023 “Lighthouse Season”

BOSTON. May 26, 2023 – Each May, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), offers lighthouses to the public and other entities as part of its mission to deliver value and savings in federal real estate for taxpayers. This year, GSA is offering a record number of lighthouses, including at least six to nonprofits and government entities and at least four to the public through auctions.

GSA press release. Read more here.

A few lighthouses will be auctioned straight off. For the others, a right of first refusal process enables transfer of the property–buildings and grounds–to “federal agencies, state and local governments, nonprofits, educational agencies, and community development organizations” that are in a position to maintain them, and may already be fulfilling that mission. Thacher Island Assoc. does a beautiful job for Twin Lights and Straitsmouth Islands.

Where have all the foghorns gone?

2-25-13 Good Harbor before the Full Moon

Also known as Cape Ann Light Station, these twin lights are the only surviving multiple lights on the coasts of the United States. The original 45-foot towers were constructed and lit in 1789—making them among the oldest of America’s lighthouses. The stout 124 foot granite towers seen today replaced the original lights in 1861. The two towers were constructed so that when a ship sites on both towers, they point to true north—allowing sailors to check and adjust their compasses.

White light flashing five times at 20 second intervals.

Thacher Island is located about a mile offshore of Rockport. The island may be viewed from several locations in Rockport and from the Bass Rocks (Atlantic Road) in Gloucester. The Thacher Island Association provides boat service to the island for members of the Association. Kayaking is another popular way to visit the island.

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