Don’t Mess With Snoop Maddie Mad

Adventures in babysitting day3.

We’ve been going to the park every day for a couple different reasons-Cambier Park behind Fifth Ave in Naples is a pretty bad ass park, the girls love it there and beg to go back, and we’ve been finishing up the days there running them hard to get them to sleep well at night.

Well yesteday we had an interesting experience with a little boy.  He was about 6 years old and Snoop Mad and The Bean are 2 and 4 respectively.  The way the park is set up you run around and climb up this pretty elaborate maze of steps and turns to get to the top of the slide platform.  The girls would make their way up there and then come flying down the slide one by one. 

I was watching them do this routine over and over and there was another couple about ten feet away who were watching their 6 year old boy.

The boy started to harass the girls a little bit by standing at the bottom of the slide and making scary noises so they didnt want to come down.

I don’t want to baby them too much and realize that they are going to have to learn how to handle themselves in these situations so I just went over to the slide to make sure the kid didn’t hit them or anything and I told the girls to wait for the little boy to move before they came down the slide.

The parents of this little boy were standing just 10 feet away and obviously saw what was going on but did nothing and I was a little pissed off about that but again I realize that I’m not always going to be there when the girls encounter these kinds of situations so I watched to make sure they were safe but also I didn’t want the girls to get too nervous.

So you should know that the elder of the girls The Bean is like me- neurotic and nervous most of the time.  The two year old Snoop Maddie Mad however is an entirely different animal, she’s just wired differently.  She has no fear, she acts without thinking and is headstrong like her mother.

Well the boy finally moved (no thanks to his parents which I’m sure the father was getting off on his son’s behavior) and the Bean and Snoop Mad came down the slide.   At the bottom of the slide Snoop Mad got right up in the boy’s grill and stuck her finger in his belly and Screamed “You’re BADDDD!” and gave him a shove.  The kid had to be three times her size but went off skulking.

Atta girl MaddiePie!

Don’t Mess With Snoop Maddie Mad, originally uploaded by captjoe06.