Public art: Helen Bur new street art wall mural on Cabot theater in Beverly

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Monumental new street art adorns the Cabot’s historic theater walls above and beside exterior murals painted in the 1990s by owner + staff from Le Grand David Own Spectacular Magic Company. Then and now the exterior murals offered opportunities for Montserrat students to assist in some capacity.

After a competitive mural call with some 70 submissions, Alex Senna, a muralist based in Sao Paulo Brazil was selected to paint the wall at Cabot and Dane streets (here). Helen Bur of London was chosen for the side wall along Judson at Cabot Street (this post), with Abington artist Felipe Ortiz assisting.

A portion of the cost for these 2019 public art works included about $40,000 raised by the Cabot and a grant award ($16,500) from the Essex Creative Community Foundation.  The dedication is Tuesday, August 6, 2019 from 5:30-8:30PM at the Cabot (286 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA). Food trucks and brew will be part of the celebration event.

artist HELEN BUR wall art street art mural Beverly Mass_Cabot theater wall_July 2019_©c ryan (1)

Public Art | Alex Senna new street art Cabot theater murals #BeverlyMA (Le Grand David elephant mural stays)

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Monumental new street art adorns the Cabot’s historic theater walls above and beside exterior murals painted in the 1990s by owner + staff from Le Grand David Own Spectacular Magic Company. Then and now the exterior murals offered opportunities for Montserrat students to assist in some capacity.

After a competitive mural call with some 70 submissions, Alex Senna, a muralist based in Sao Paulo Brazil was selected to paint the wall at Cabot and Dane streets (this post). Helen Bur of London was chosen for the side wall along Judson at Cabot Street (here), with Abington artist Felipe Ortiz assisting.

A portion of the cost for these 2019 public art works included about $40,000 raised by the Cabot and a grant award ($16,500) from the Essex Creative Community Foundation.  The dedication is Tuesday, August 6, 2019 from 5:30-8:30PM at the Cabot (286 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA). Food trucks and brew will be part of the celebration event.