What ideas would you submit? See below for application details and links.


We are pleased to announce the 2022 Request for Proposals for the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation, a supporting organization of The Boston Foundation. The Bruce J. Anderson Foundation has been making grants on Cape Ann and in the Nashoba Valley for over 30 years. The Bruce J. Anderson Foundation provides grants for programs, direct services and new initiatives in the fields of mental health (treatment, research and suicide prevention, with a particular interest in mental health services supporting LGBTQIA young people), environmental protection, historic and archival preservation, and the arts.  

Please review the guidelines carefully and note that the application deadline is Monday, February 14, 2022. Grant announcements will be made in mid-June.  

Applications must be submitted online. Please find the application here: https://bostonfoundation.submittable.com/submit.  

We hope you will consider taking advantage of this Bruce J. Anderson Foundation funding opportunity. Questions regarding program eligibility can be directed to the attention of Sophia Hancock at shancock@tpi.org.  

The Bruce J. Anderson Team 
Sophia Hancock
Program Associate
The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI) | The Boston Foundation


The Essex Heritage Partnership Grant Program is a reimbursable, matching grant program for municipalities and qualified non-profit organizations whose activities support our mission to preserve and enhance the historic, cultural, and natural resources of the Essex National Heritage Area (Essex County, MA). Interested applicants have until Friday, February 25, 2022, at 11:59 PM to submit applications for eligible projects focused in one of four categories:

Education: Create or further develop educational opportunities for youth 
Interpretation: Increase awareness and understanding of the region’s heritage 
Preservation: Preserve or enhance historic structures, landscapes, or cultural resources 
Access and Inclusion: Enhance access to the many resources offered within the Essex National Heritage Area through structural or programmatic updates or transportation. Examples of this category can include projects such as social justice-focused presentations, transportation for youth to access natural and cultural resources within the heritage area, or ADA improvements including wheelchair lifts, ramps, and interpretation aids.

Detailed information about the Essex Heritage Partnership Grant Program, including application materials and guidelines can be found here.

-Please email Charles Smith with questions at charless@essexheritage.org or call 978-226-8154.

Reminder | Bruce J. Anderson webinar January 15th and a nice message for #GloucesterMA #InspiringSiblingStory


The Bruce J Anderson 2020 application deadline is all heart: February 14, 2020 

That’s more than a month away, and the stellar team at The Boston Fund is hosting a Webinar next week to help with any questions.  They make it easy to participate.

Bruce J Anderson- an inspiring sibling story

Every year, we share the Bruce J Anderson announcement for its upcoming grant cycle which has supported wonderful local projects. After posting the 2020 call, Larry Anderson wrote a message for GMG readers about the fund honoring his brother and the family’s love for Gloucester and Cape Ann. It’s often difficult for families to get together in one place as years go by, and here six siblings gather again and again for something so positive. (I have another post in mind about sibling tributes which I’ll share with Larry soon.) Thank you so much for sharing the story and sparking ideas!

“Thanks for recognizing the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation. Bruce was my brother. He loved Gloucester, where he spent most of the summers of his life and where he lived and worked at the time of his death many years ago. His six siblings — three sisters, my two brothers, and I — have been fortunate to be able to keep his generous spirit alive through the modest but steady efforts of the foundation created in his name. We have been gratified to be able to support the worthy organizations you name, as well as many others on Cape Ann. We are always glad to hear from new community-minded groups. So please take advantage of the January 15 webinar offered by the capable, helpful folks at The Boston Foundation, who administer the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation.” –  Larry Anderson 

Photos above show happy results from their support — installation views at Cape Ann Museum from the travel exbibit Once Upon a Contest Selections from Cape Ann Reads

Next Week! About the webinar

A word from the Bruce J Anderson team at The Boston Fund

The Bruce J. Anderson Foundation, a supporting organization of the Boston Foundation, has launched its 2020 request for proposals.

Please find the request for proposals here,

and note the application deadline is Friday, February 14, 2020.

We will be hosting an informational webinar on Wednesday, January 15th from 12:00-1:00 pm EST. Those interested in attending can join us to hear about the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation’s grantmaking priorities, and the process for applying for funding.  Please note that this webinar is not mandatory and your attendance will not affect how your application is reviewed. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please accept the attached calendar invitation so we can know your plans for attendance.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Loren Van Allen at loren.vanallen@tbf.org or 617-338-1621.