Poor Little Lost Bat

Bat trapped ©Kim Smith 2014Around and around the room flew the bat, neatly missing walls and chandelier. My husband’s response was calm and collected–and to me–you’re my nature girl he said. Not when it comes to bats trapped in our dining room I wailed in dismay. After a few unsettled moments, I realized the bat wasn’t going to bite him or me and it truly was just a poor little lost bat struggling to find its way out. I ran and got our trusty butterfly net that, although it has never been used to catch a butterfly with any success, has rescued myriad songbirds and hummingbirds. Tom caught the little bat in a flash and out into the night it flew.

How did it get in we wondered, with all the doors closed and the windows screened?

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Butterfly net ©Kim Smith 2014When our children were very young, I made each a net using  a dowel, piece of wire bent into a hoop-shape, fabric remnant, and recycled leather shoelace. The nets conveniently live in the mud room and they sure have come in handy over the years!