Protest vs. Riot



Statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.

Verb: an objection to what someone has said or done.

2.declare (something) firmly and emphatically in the face of stated or implied doubt or in response to an accusation.




1.violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.


Take part in a violent public disturbance.


There is absolutely no reason people should riot, for any reason, Period. Maybe they are confused with what protest really means. Do you see the word “violent” in the definition of protest? People need to learn to control their anger and direct it towards making a change. If you are not a part of the solution then you are a part of the problem.


Ardelle Report From Al Bezanson

0630  Oct 9th…. Ardelle is docked at Baltimore Marine Center in Canton close to Pride of Baltimore II and a flock of other schooners who will be participating in the 127 mile Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race to Portsmouth, VA.  The race begins Thursday afternoon and the wind that is forecasted may be a bit challenging for some of the gaff rigged boats.  Harold is among a lot friends there, and Canton/Fells Point is swarming with cordial volunteers.  About 38 schooners are entered.  Each boat will have a transponder aboard for tracking.  Avid schooner fans might enjoy watching the race all night, keeping an eye on the weather buoys and wind forecast along the route.  On Saturday there is a Pig Roast and Awards Ceremony that goes on for most of the day in Portsmouth.  More information here:

Al Bezanson


Catching Up With the Progress On The Bow to Stern Overhaul of Gloucester’s Coast Guard Cutter The Grand Isle

Huge thanks To Lieutenant Christjan Gaudio who is the Commanding Officer of the GRAND ISLE along with CWO Manny Munoz at Coast Guard Station Gloucester want to make our Coast Guard Station and Boats ingrained with the community, for you to feel welcome to ask questions and want you to know that they are here for you.

Lieutenant Gaudio forwards these photos and descriptions of the Grand Isle in the Coast Guard shipyard in Baltimore MD.

The first is a picture of GRAND ISLE coming up off the pier for our fleeting (this is a water test where they placed us in the water to ensure that the hull settled out following the replacement of 550 square feet of hull). cgc grand isle 1

The second picture is of the crew checking the seals and through hull fittings for leaks before being placed completely in the water

cgc grand isle 2

The third picture is of us being lifted off the pier.

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The Grand Isle being pushed to the pier for the fleeting.

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Some of Lieutenant Gaudio’s crew standing in front of our new props prior to going into the water for fleeting.

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This is the barge used to lift 110 footer cutters out of the water.

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BM1 Monaghan being awarded his permanent cutterman’s pin.  This is a big moment in the professional life of a cutterman as it is symbolic of his attaining seniority in the service having accrued the sea time and professional competence necessary to be awarded the status of cutterman and to wear the cutterman’s pin permanently on his uniform.

cgc grand isle 7

Grand Isle going into the water for fleeting.

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Grand Isle newly painted, going into the water.

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Click here for a slide show of the Grand Isle from Photos I’ve taken over the past 4 years-
