Lara Lepionka, Backyard Growers executive director shares,

WE ARE THE $35K WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!! And we won because of YOUR VOTING POWER!!!!!! A huge thank you to the b.good Family Foundation for giving us this opportunity (stay tuned for pics of us receiving our check next week), and thank you to Backyard Growers Program staff, service members, board members, partners, and supporters who worked on our voting campaign. WE DID IT. THANK YOU.



Soooo exciting and very best of luck to Backyard Growers!!! Please share this post with your friends and ask them to vote, too.

Lara Lepionka, Executive Director of Backyard Growers, writes,

Hello Friends of Backyard Growers,

Backyard Growers is one of three finalists in the b.good Family Foundation’s competition to win a $35,000 grant! In all of Greater Boston, we were chosen as one of the finalists because of the work we are doing right here in Gloucester—so proud!

We are now at the public voting stage. Please do the following to help us win!

Thank you! Lara


Vote once before Friday to help Gloucester’s Backyard Growers win $35,000 b.good family foundation grant

from Backyard Growers:

Backyard Growers is one of three finalists in the b.good Family Foundation’s competition to win a $35,000 grant! In all of Greater Boston, we were chosen as one of the finalists because of the work we are doing right here in Gloucester—so proud!

We are now at the public voting stage. Please do the following to help us win! 

Thank you! Lara Lepionka, Executive Dir. Backyard Growers

About b.good, growing chain of farm to table ‘real food fast’ healthy burger+ more joints:

“It wasn’t until our crazy family members started running the Marathon in giant burger suits that we realized we actually had the power to make a real impact. (Incredibly, over 82 running burgers have raised more than $146,000 for charities over the last 8 years.) Inspired by what we’ve accomplished with those passionate customers, we decided to start a foundation based on the principles they personify. So, this is funded by the grass-roots and innovative efforts that we undertake together with our customers. And it’s designed so that the people who raise the money decide who gets the money…The mission of the b.good Family Foundation is to use micro-grants to help inspired individuals improve their communities. We believe that the most sustainable, impactful changes are the ones communities design for themselves. So, we give directly to individuals looking to improve their neighborhoods. Then we put the final funding decisions up for a community vote by the b.good family and their network.”