Discover Gloucester Holiday & Awards Party Post re: some VIPs

Hey, Joey-

Perfect timing by EJ for featuring Potter Marty Morgan in her post yesterday, as Marty is receiving one of the three Awards that Discover Gloucester will give out at our 3rd Annual Holiday & Awards Party! We all remember, of course, that you were the first to receive one of the Awards 🙂

Marty is being recognized for her many years of work as a founding member of the Cape Ann Artisans, as well as for her thousands of hours of work and love making the Empty Bowl project such a success for The Open Door.

Joanne (Souza) Main will receive an Award for being the champion of the Schooner Adventure. Her many years of blood, sweat and tears to get the Adventure seaworthy has been quite the task- and she did it!

The third Award will go to a wonderful collaboration among Gloucester, Rockport and Essex folks: The four new MA Cultural Districts!

The Gloucester Harbortown, Rocky Neck, Rockport and Essex River Cultural District’s Committees will be recognized for their diligent work.

Everyone is invited to come honor our very worthy recipients & representatives at the Discover Gloucester Holiday & Awards Party on Tuesday, December 10, Noon to 2:30pm, at La Trattoria on Main St. in Gloucester.                                                     $20 per person for a delish Italian Buffet, payable at the door to La Trattoria. RSVPs are necessary, so Peter & his crew can plan. Let us know by Sunday if you want to attend to congratulate these fine folks- and we know you do! 

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On behalf of the Discover Gloucester Board, 

Linn Parisi  (Thanks, Joey!)