GloucesterCast 178 w/@kimsmithdesigns @donnaard Karen Pischke Charles and George King, Dennis Funk and Host @Joey_C


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GloucesterCast 178 w/@kimsmithdesigns @donnaard Karen Pischke Charles and George King, Dennis Funk and Host @Joey_C

Success sold out the hoodies to buy T Shirts for The One hour at a Time Gang
Reiki and Running Dennis Funk Karen’s Cousin
charles and george king talk about the civil war coat and awesomegloucester
Earth Day Weekend Friday April 22
Gloucester Bingo
The Jungle Book Directed By  Jon Favreau
Paulie Walnuts Father’s Painting/He posted an Art Rock this morning!
2 year later vasectomy check up revealed interesting fact

Giving up splenda

North American River Otters
Please watch and share Kim’s Monarch trailer that will be released this week
