Essex National Heritage: 7 Cape Ann awards, Bass Rocks Golf Club, & just how many people visit Salem?

There are 49 National Heritage Areas throughout the United States. Massachusetts shares three of its four with neighboring states: CT, NH and RI.  The fourth, Essex National Heritage Area, is the only one located entirely within the Commonwealth. The enviable Essex National Heritage Area was established in 1996 for all of Essex County, Massachusetts, its 34 cities and towns, nearly 10,000 historic places on the national historic register, 26 national historic landmarks and 2 National Park headquarters (Salem and Saugus Iron Works).  Trails and Sails is just one of Essex National Heritage’s memorable rallying efforts. Make sure to participate! Another initiative is the Essex Coastal Scenic Byway which calls attention to our county via its lovely, historic roads. You may have noticed the brown byway signs which were installed in 2012 after years of establishing the best routes to re-connect and highlight Essex County. This is one of the signs installed in Gloucester, MA. David Rhinelander helped with the Gloucester and Cape Ann part.


2017 Essex National Heritage Presenters

The Essex National Heritage Commission (Essex Heritage) held its Annual Fall Meeting on Thursday, October 4 at the Flint Public Library in Middleton. Business and community leaders throughout the county were in attendance. John Farmer, Essex National Heritage President, mentioned that he joined Bass Rocks Golf Club and that he enjoyed visiting the Gloucester HarborWalk for this year’s Trails & Sails in his opening report. Farmer is the Senior Vice President & Senior Credit Officer, of Eastern Bank, Lynn, one of the major Lightkeeper Sponsors* for Essex National Heritage.


President Essex National Heritage, John P. Farmer, Senior Vice President & Senior Credit Officer, Eastern Bank, Lynn 20171004_083544
John Farmer, Essex National Heritage President, Essex National Heritage Commission. Farmer is the Senior Vice President & Senior Credit Officer, of Eastern Bank, Lynn, one of the major Lightkeeper Sponsors* for Essex National Heritage


Can you guess how many guests the busy Salem vistitor center welcomed since 2013? Paul DePrey, the National Park Service Superintendent for the Salem Martime & Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites, shared this update…

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