Underwater Photographer and Author Andrew Martinez Talks About Sea Life Off The Waters Of Cape Ann

Local underwater photographer Andrew Martinez. Andy is from Wenham and has been diving in New England waters for more than 40 years. He has compiled one of the most extensive collections of high quality images of marine life behavior from New England to Eastern Canada. His book, Marine Life of the North Atlantic, is considered the best guide to this region and is now in its 4th edition with more than 200 new photographs. The presentation will be held Monday, November 15, 7-8:30 pm at NOAA Fisheries Service’s Northeast Regional Office at 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester.

Something tells me our girl Alicia Pensarosa won’t be missing this one.

Things To Do – Underwater Photographer Andrew Martinez Presentation Nov 15th

Olivia Rugo Writes-

Hi Joey,
I work for NOAA Fisheries Service and am starting up a free evening lecture series for the general public. Our first lecture is coming up and is local underwater photographer Andrew Martinez. Andy is from Wenham and has been diving in New England waters for more than 40 years. He has compiled one of the most extensive collections of high quality images of marine life behavior from New England to Eastern Canada. His book, Marine Life of the North Atlantic, is considered the best guide to this region and is now in its 4th edition with more than 200 new photographs. The presentation will be held Monday, November 15, 7-8:30 pm at NOAA Fisheries Service’s Northeast Regional Office at 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester.


For More information about Andrew Martinez click the link-
