GloucesterCast 326 With Pat Dalpiaz and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/12/19


GloucesterCast 326 With Pat Dalpiaz and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/12/19


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Topics Include:

Paris recap

Adventureman update:

We are seeking runners to escort Adventureman into town on or near March 27! Contact GMG if  you can help.
We are also in need of host families for a couple of nights. One group of 3, 4 others. Also contact us if you are willing to host.
Irish Sweepstakes event March 13 5-7 PM hosted by Chamber of Commerce.
Seaport Grill 10 Year anniversary all week March 11-15 Daily specials
Regretting not buying the flat cap/scully cap/ in Paris
$55 Airbnb credit for signing up at this link- (free $55 to use on a Airbnb stay
Video of our Paris Airbnb Apartment click to view-