Bill Hubbard Has A Beef With Wikipedia Over The Location Of The First Coast Guard Air Station

First Coast Guard Air Station was established on Ten Pound Island – But Wikipedia has the wrong location

Hey, Joey,
Most of us know that the first US Coast Guard Air Station was built on Ten Pound Island in Gloucester Harbor but the know-all be-all online encyclopedia, Wikipedia has it wrong.  They wrongly state that the present Coast Guard Base on Harbor loop was built on the site of the first Coast Guard Air Station.
I’ve attached a picture of the first plane stationed on Ten Pound Island and of the fist Base Commander and Pilot to fly that plane.  The two early Coast Guard aviators, pictured together in their flying gear on May 5, 1927, established the first successful U.S. Coast Guard air unit on Ten Pound Island, Gloucester, Mass., in 1925, using one Vought seaplane borrowed from the Navy.  From left are Commander Carl C. von Paulsen who commanded Coast Guard Base 7, Gloucester, and the attached air unit (January 1925 to May 1928); and Ensign Leonard M. Melka who acted as pilot and mechanic. 
I’ve asked Wikipedia to correct their error but,,,don’t hold your breath….There are several Coast Guard websites which will veryify that information including:
Bill Hubbard


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