Aileen Kern Steps Up and Makes Grandma Felicia’s Apple Spice Cake! (with pics)

Hi Joey!
You said you wonder if all the people who say they’re going to make the cake really make the cake.  Well, I made it last night and it’s absolutely delicious—see attached photos.  Many thanks to Sista Felicia for all of her great recipes and step-by-step photo instructions–I really enjoy them.
My husband Doug and I are major fans of your blog and read it every day.  We stayed in town recently to attend a family wedding in Manchester and went to the block party and the Joey Show at Lat 43—both were a blast.  We saw you and Felicia at the booth running the Fiesta videos, but you looked pretty busy so we didn’t stop by to say hello.  Next time we’re in town, we’ll be sure to stop by down the dock to say hello.  We’ve been coming to Gloucester for about 30 years and it’s like a second home to us.  We plan to rent an apartment there next spring.  Can’t wait!! 
Take care, and thanks again for providing us with our daily Glosta fix, even when we can’t be there in person.
Best regards,   Aileen Kern   (Glenmont, NY)

Grandma Felicia's Cake & Aileen KGrandma Felicia's Cake closeup