PSA To All You Kids Out There- You Think The First Time This Broad Popped A Pill She Ever Imagined That She’d End Up A Mess like This?

Andrea Cortois posted this to twitter-

This girl could have been attractive.  She could have been a lot of things.  But look at her.

A mess.

Think any addict starts out taking drugs thinking they were ever going to end up blowing ugly dudes so they can afford their next fix?  Think anyone ingests balloons full of drugs only to shit them out to smuggle them or hide them because they’re normal?

Here’s a little suggestion for you-

Don’t think you’re stronger than the drug.   It doesn’t matter how strong willed you think you might be.  Imagine if the chance of you got addicted was only 10% even though it’s way higher.  Would you take a 10% chance that you’d ever end up looking like this chick?

Would you take a 10% chance that you’d end up getting screwed by ugly dudes for money to buy drugs because you were that desperate?

Do yourself a favor and find other ways to distract yourself.  Throw yourself into creating art.  Throw yourself into sports or working out.  Throw yourself into taking higher education classes.

Throw yourself into anything but taking drugs.  Not once.  Not ever.

Don’t be the chick with horrible acne screwing ugly dudes for money to buy dope.