2010 Good Morning Gloucester Horribles Parade Float Thank You and Pics

Sharon Lowe Photo

There were so many great Floats this year.  The disadvantage of walking in the parade is that you don’t get to see the parade, but from the floats that I did see that were around us they all were fantastic with a ton of effort and all deserved trophies of which there were many.  Hopefully I can get a list of the winners emailed by the Horribles Committee so all the others can be recognized on these pages. 

The Floats that I got to see because they were around us were the Annisquam kids playing Annie and that was outstanding.  When we pulled back into the parking lot at the end they were still going strong with their singing!  Glazed float was impressive also with the cute outfits and 50’s theme.  I love the bagpipes and they were behind us.  Chills every time I hear them. The Rhumb line always has a strong entry of musicians.  R&K Fuel and the John Deere Tractors was cool and the Steeple one was creative as hell.  I honestly didn’t get to see more than that because we were boxed in by big trucks in the parking lot but there was a lot of creative energy spent by people and I’m sure the committee wishes they could give everyone an award.

Pictures from the 2010 Horribles Parade Good Morning Gloucester Float in which our team won the special Judges Award for Best Non-Category Float. 

Our win was a total team effort with a huge part played by designer Felicia Mohan, Lead Construction Jeremy Frost, Construction and Driving By Barry Mohan.  It was helped in huge part by Golden Living Center Brittney Reitano’s contribution. 
T-Shirt Printing By Paul Frontiero. Manuel Simoes for sponsoring the T-Shirts.  Catering By Alicia Pensarosa.   Paul Morrison and The Audio Department.  Earl and Arch for the GMG Theme Song Gloucester Til the End.  Frank Ciolino for Car Detailing and GMG Stickers. Joey Ciolino for filling up the poop balloons. Ed Collard for Hot Dog Duty passing out stickers and helping with The Mounting of teh Bird. The Fabulous Lily Lufkin doing a great Job passing out candy and energy.  Laurie for her excellent snacks before the parade.  Beth Swan PR and all the Hand and Candy Passer-Outers. BJ Mohan and the Frost Boys Connor and Kyle for Perfect Poop Control Management Up In The Truck.  MORE POOP! Amandacakes, Danny Powers, Sarah Francis and cousin Alison for rationing out the perfect amount of candy.  The Bean and Snoop Maddie Mad for holding up throughout that long day and WAYYY past their bedtimes.
David Cox, Manny and Sharon on camera duty.  Mike Lindberg on hand for moral support.  all the GMG Fans along the parade route who helped keep the energy high and of course the judges!

The good pics are to come as I was not focused on picture taking. The pics with the whole team are on Manny, Sharon and David’s Cameras. Hopefully we will get to see those this morning!

